Strand's Got Talent
Do you have a talent you would like to share? Plans for the annual Strand’s Got Talent competition are underway! In the style of America’s Got Talent, several different acts (chosen from a screened audition process) will perform for a panel of three qualified judges during a live performance on Saturday, May 11.
Those interested in performing will audition for a spot in the show. All acts are welcome-singing, dancing, standup comedy,-whatever you want to share with the world! Each act should not exceed five minutes. Following auditions, we will choose up to ten acts to perform in the show. Auditions for the show will be held on Tuesday, April 9 from 6-7pm at the Strand Theatre. You may also submit your audition digitally. To set up an audition time or to submit a video audition, email Kelley Bidka at progdirector@strandtheatrewv.com. The deadline for video submissions is Monday, April 8 at 11:59pm.
Those selected will perform for the show on May 11 at 7pm. Every performer will perform once, and from there our three judges will determine the top three. Those three performers will present a second act to determine who will be awarded first, second, and third prize. First place will win $300, second place will win $200, and third place will win $100.
Price for admission to the show is $15 Adults and $12 students.
You have two options to audition. You only need to complete one option.
1. Online submissions due on Monday April 8, 2024 at 11:59pm.
2. In person auditions at the Strand Theatre on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 (6:00-7:00pm)